Generation Y has come of age. Better known as millennials, this cohort is now in their late 20s to mid-30s. The entry level positions they occupied in the 2010s are a distant memory – many now hold management positions, and are, in some cases, seated in the C-suite. Many Millennials have taken an entrepreneurial route Read More Millennial Executives: The New Champions of Outsourcing (Almost Everything)?
Author: Lydia Miner-Voigt
Move With Your Customers
Now more than ever, amidst a global pandemic, people are leaving crowded cities and opting for a more suburban lifestyle where housing is more affordable, the risk of human interaction is less, and working from home is the new norm. Irrespective of what we’re seeing in recent months however, people are always moving. As marketers, Read More Move With Your Customers
The Holy Trinity: Product + Service + Mission
This has nothing to do with religion, so that might have been clickbait. In the world of omnichannel marketing, I’m talking about the holy trinity as: the product one sells, the service one provides to customers, and the mission by which one runs a company. The purpose of this post is that I want to Read More The Holy Trinity: Product + Service + Mission
Marketers, Are You Still Holiday Planning? Check Out These Tips!
As marketers, we spend more than half the year gearing up for a strong holiday season. Despite all of the preparation, there still may be some “blind spots” where we may not have allocated enough resources in a comprehensive marketing strategy. Our Marketing Partner, Emarsys, has taken their holiday planning learnings from thousands of clients, Read More Marketers, Are You Still Holiday Planning? Check Out These Tips!
Opinions are Bad Business
A good e-commerce manager is constantly monitoring, maintaining, and (perhaps most importantly) testing and optimizing their website. How do you find areas for improvement or decide what changes to make? I’d imagine that a lot of ideas come from word-of-mouth; a blog post, a conference session, a conversation with a co-worker, a nice (or not!) Read More Opinions are Bad Business
There’s Gold in Your Do Not Mail File
In recent best practice reviews of the marketing practices of three catalog companies, we discovered very large do not mail files that included not only non-buyers, but also a sizable percentage of buyers. The files had accumulated over a very long period of time. No one was really paying attention to the size of the files, with Read More There’s Gold in Your Do Not Mail File
Using Digital Browsing Behavior to Improve Reactivation Results
As we have all learned over time, a recent customer purchase from your catalog is the strongest indicator that the customer will respond to your next mailing. In fact, purchase recency and frequency dwarf all other factors as predictors of future response; that is, until they don’t. As RFM data ages, it becomes less likely Read More Using Digital Browsing Behavior to Improve Reactivation Results
Summer To-Do List: Deep Work with a Beach Ball
In my closing session at last month’s CohereOne Integrated Marketing Summit, I shared several concepts from authors’ work whose messages have significantly influenced my strategic branding work. In case you missed the Summit (a wonderful gathering of curious, smart and growth-oriented marketers, merchants and creatives!), may I suggest you add this excellent and thought-provoking book Read More Summer To-Do List: Deep Work with a Beach Ball
Attention Retailers: Be Mindful of Your Moments
In less than six weeks, this retail holiday season will be over. The season you and your brand leaders have strategized, forecasted, sweated over and meticulously orchestrated. No doubt, right now all hands are on deck as calls, orders and customers walk through your doors or enter your web portals. I wish you well. I Read More Attention Retailers: Be Mindful of Your Moments
Date Night or Date Life? The Most Beloved Brands Are in It for The Long Haul!
Talk to marriage experts and they’ll tell you one of the secrets of a long-lasting relationship is having a weekly date night with your mate – time to focus on each other like you did in the glory days of new love. I understand the thought behind this practice and it’s well-intentioned. I happen to think that Read More Date Night or Date Life? The Most Beloved Brands Are in It for The Long Haul!